If you are like me, you are interested in eating healthy but confused by all the options and different kinds of advise out there.
Which diet gives you most energy? Which food should you eat and which one should you better avoid?
I found the answer to these questions and would like you to also be able to find it!
About the book
In Food Dr Mark Hyman examines every food group and gives you everything you need to know on a few pages. Mark refreshes your knowledge and even shares with you what researchers have gotten wrong in the last years.
Did you know that food pyramids often contain outdated advice? Indeed what you have learned over the last years about food is incorrect and could pose a threat to your health. Milk has been advocated as a health food, while eating too much eggs was seen as unhealthy. Many more of similar myths are debunked with research.
Here’s a quick preview of key take-aways from the book
- Eat plenty of vegetables and greens
- Reduce meat and buy higher quality, always ensure its organic and grass-fed if possible
- Avoid wheat and bread
- Enjoy healthy fats such as coconut oil, ghee, grass-fed butter or olive oil.
- Avoid diary
- Eliminate sugar
Following the advice laid out in the book does not feel as effort or tedious work. Instead I enjoy implementing the diet. Each chapter starts with a quiz, that will show you how often what we think we know about food often is wrong.
The great thing is that you do not have to follow every little detail of the diet in the book to be successful with it. You can pick whatever you agree with and implement it straight away. The book is like a buffet, you can take time to look at the different food groups pick what ever you like. Come back to it anytime for a refill!
Grab a copy of Food: WTF Should I Eat? and get more healthy with food. Implementing the advice given in the book has had a positive impact on my energy and health, which is why I highly recommend to give it a try.